The monk Myōe meditating in a tree. Hanging scroll dated to 13th century Japan, Kamakura period.
Every Monday (excluding public holiday weekends) we meet from 7.30 - 8.30pm for zazen (seated meditation), kinhin (walking meditation) and sutras (chanting).
Our dojo (place of practice) has large comfortable sitting mats and cushions. If you prefer your own cushion, sitting bench or chair you are welcome to bring it along.
Orientation is available by request. If you are new to Zen and would like to learn more about the form and ritual, please email us here.
If you arrive late, please enter quietly, bow at the threshold and find a free place to sit.
For a full list of dates, including times for Full Moon Zazen, please visit our calendar page.
PLEASE NOTE: We take hygiene very seriously at Castlemaine Zen. This is especially so with the spread of coronavirus. To view a list of our simple guidelines please visit our hygiene page.
Monday Night Zazen Schedule
7.30 Zazen / Kinhin
8.00 Zazen / Great Vows for All
8.30 Finish
A $3 donation is appreciated to help us cover our costs. It is also customary to offer dana (voluntary donation) for the teaching, and a dana bowl is provided.